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Salwa.            September 13, 2013 Ct.

I never really got to thank everyone. I have grown so much from this camp it opened my eyes to so many things I never would have thought.I never knew there were Muslim girls just like me going through the same struggle I have and are going through. Mashaallah I have made life long friends who text me everyday and say good morning make sure I'm ok. I love this camp and I love everyone. Most def. coming next year and bring a couple girls from my community.

Mubarakah Fatologist Ibrahim

 August 18, 2013 at 5:45pm near New Haven, CT


After a full week Camp ISMAH Sleep AwayCamp returned my daughter safe and sound. She can't stop talking about the wonderful time she had and how much the girls bonded. I personally want to thank the staff for professionally and lovingly handling her new food allergy, her emergency room visit, getting an Epi-pen RX filled, watching her food sensitivity and most importantly returning her Alive. It must have been some real task to handle 44 teenage girls for a week. Mashallah- may Allah reward them.

Hafiza Batmon             August 20, 2013   N.J


As salaamu alaikum, i would like all of the staff at Camp Ismah sleep away Camp for giving our young girls a great experience. I know my daughter wont stop talking about it! Very professional, caring, diligent, and Inshaa Allah we came come together next year for another great experience. Shakran jazakallahu khayr!!!




                October 31, 2013 Ct.


I 100% want to go to Camp ISMAH next year was such a great experience and I have met long term muslimahs that I love  Auntie Nadira you were and still is hilarious!!! Love you!


Jennifer Ghazala Smith-Niang

August 18, 2013


Got my oldest baby back, sleepaway Camp SleepawayCamp is over and she tells me she had a great time


Ashante Miller     
August 17, 2013   Detroit


Yesterday was so powerful alhumdillah. This day was transforming for the girls and I. I haven't cried like this since my mom passed away. I am so humbled, grateful, and honored to be apart of this experience. Allah has brought me to meet such wonderful spirits and I pray that I never take advantage of my many blessings as I have received with conviction as they are truly from Allah the most high! I want to thank the Director Nadira, for her hard work and dedication stepping out on faith to see this through it was only Allah that such a blessing manifested. A special thank you to Camp Ismah Sleepaway Camp, sister Hujrah Wahhaj and My group "Cheetah Girls". I love you all fisibillah 😊




August 19, 2013   N.J


Mashallah I'm so happy that I decided to come to Camp Ismah Sleepaway Camp. I meet amazing Muslimahs of all ages. We Laughed together, Cried together, and played together. This was a life changing experience for me, and I'm very grateful that Allah let me . Thank you camp ISMAH ! I couldn't put it in any other words . 


Hujrah Wahhaj        August 17, 2013     ATL

You can't imagne the obstacles I faced to get to Camp ISMAH Sleep Away Camp, but you know what Subhanallah it was so worth it!! Wow, it was transformational and emotionally driven! The girls were so courageous! We cried, laughed, shared our truth, and accepted each others love. The girls were so bright, some were comedians, others were full of love and excitement and Subhanallah it just worked! What's amazing is that Allah placed peace in my heart the entire time. Each obstacle I faced just gave me more determination to get there because I knew that getting there was THE only option. Alhamdulillah! Thank you Nadira, Jamella, Sabiqah, Ashante, Afifah, and Samina for extending the invitation and allowing me to be apart of such a powerful event! Next year, I'm in for the full week! (If I'm allowed)


Anisah Abdul-wahjid

August 19, 2013    NYC


Asalamu Alaykum thanx to all the staff and girls at camp Ismah for showing my daughter a wonderful time. She can't stop talking about how much fun she had and how much she love all u ladies. She is planning already for next year :]


Phone: 516-410-1886

Fax: 516-441-3541

Web: CampIsmah.com

Email: Camp_ismah@yahoo.com





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